Back pain and spinal injuries are incredibly common in adults. The vertebrae are bones meant to protect the spinal cord and nerve tissue which connect the nervous system of the body to the brain. By shielding the spinal cord, these vertebrae become prone to injury. Supporting connective tissue becomes weakened and secondary muscle contractions and vertebral mal-alignment develop. Intervertebral disks, cartilage between the vertebrae, may slip, herniate, or bulge, and lead to back pain. Prolotherapy from the Neurology & Pain Treatment Center is the natural, efficient non-surgical way to treat new or chronic back pain in the Milwaukee area.
Spinal Conditions Which Cause Pain Include:
- Degenerative disc disease
- Disc herniation
- Sacroiliac pain
- Spinal strains and sprains
- Piriformis syndrome
See also “Prolotherapy Treatment for Lower Back Pain”
Symptoms of Back Injuries
- Dull Ache
- Stiffness
- “Stabbing” or Sharp Sensation
- Weakness
- Onset of Fever or Chills
- Incontinence Issues
- Popping
- Weakness
Common Risks and Complications of Back Surgery
Surgery is one option for relieving back pain, yet it is far more invasive, structurally altering and expensive than prolotherapy. Like all surgeries, there are many risks involved with spinal surgery. These include but are not limited to infections, stroke, and permanent nerve damage.
Spinal Regenerative Injection Therapy
Spinal injuries can be debilitating and are expensive to treat. Surgery recovery can take a very long time, adding to expenses as you’re left unable to work. Fortunately, regenerative injection therapy provides faster and more affordable treatment options than surgery. For many reasons, prolotherapy is the best option for patients with back injuries. Other regenerative injection therapies involve stem cells and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Each of these options involves blood or bone marrow being taken from the body to be used in the treatment of injuries or chronic pain. Although they are not as invasive as complete surgery, they are each more involved and more expensive than prolotherapy. When you need to get back to work after a back injury, prolotherapy is effective, faster and more affordable than surgery or alternative regenerative injection therapies.
See also “Upper Back Pain – Find Relief at Our Milwaukee Clinic”
Prolotherapy: a Back Pain Remedy Without Surgery
Surgery is one option for relieving back pain, yet it is far more invasive, structurally altering and expensive than prolotherapy. Like all surgeries, there are many risks involved with spinal surgery. These include but are not limited to infections, stroke, and permanent nerve damage. By undergoing prolotherapy treatments, you are avoiding these risks. Pain medication might help when dealing with minor back injuries, but it only provides temporary relief.
Contact our Milwaukee pain management clinic today to find a back pain treatment that’s right for you. Call 414-453-7780.