Affordable Regenerative Injection Therapy in Milwaukee

When you have chronic pain or an injury, the pain can hinder your mobility leaving you unable to work. Surgery and physical therapy are expensive, even with insurance. Many patients in the Milwaukee area try to work through their pain to avoid financial hardship. This can lead to further injuries over time. Fortunately, regenerative injection therapies speed up your recovery time and are more affordable than surgery. Injection therapies include prolotherapy, stem cell injections, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments.

Stem Cell Injection Therapy

Stem cell injection therapy for chronic pain or injury uses stem cells taken from the patient and then reinjected into the body at the point of injury. These types of cells then encourage healing by replacing the damaged cells in the body. Stem cell injection therapy is used to treat chronic pain and arthritis.

Due to the need to aspirate stem cells from the patient, the overall treatment can take longer than other injection therapies and cost more. The procedure to remove stem cells can cause pain and soreness as well. It can take 1-2 hours to collect the cells and a few weeks before the cells are ready to be reinjected.

The use of stem cells for injection therapy has not been approved by the FDA and is not usually covered by insurance. As a result, all costs are out-of-pocket.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma injection therapy uses platelet-enriched blood to stimulate healing in the body. Blood’s plasma contains equal amounts of platelets, red cells, and white cells. Centrifugation separates the red and white cells from the platelets. Then, the platelets only are reinjected into the body and promote healing due to their clotting ability and growth factor proteins.
PRP therapy requires your blood to be drawn and then enriched, meaning you have to wait even longer for pain relief. Blood has to be taken from the patient directly in order to reduce the possibility of rejection or infection by using someone else’s blood. Pain and stiffness is common after the procedure at the point of injection.

PRP is often used in sports medicine to treat injuries in athletes and is expensive.


Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection therapy which uses non-cortisone solutions to treat for tendon, ligament, and joint dysfunction. The solution is injected at the point of trauma or pain to cause localized inflammation. This allows the body to heal naturally, efficiently and cost-effectively.
Prolotherapy is able to treat many different conditions, including:

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) pain
  • Fibromyalgia pain
  • Arthritis
  • Sacroiliac joint pain
  • Head and neck pain
  • Back and spine pain
  • Foot and ankle pain
  • Arm, shoulder, and wrist pain
  • Knee and hip pain
  • Foot and ankle pain

At Neurology & Pain Treatment Center, prolotherapy injections are done in office as an outpatient procedure. You do not even need anesthetic. After treatment, you are able to walk out without having to spend the night in a hospital or receive additional physical therapy.

In some cases, you may need 2-6 treatments spaced every 2-4 weeks. This will be determined during your personal consultation. The procedure is not usually covered by insurance, but is more cost-effective than stem cells and PRP. Be sure to inquire about financing your prolotherapy with Neurology & Pain Treatment.

Which Regenerative Injection Therapy Is Most Affordable?

Prolotherapy is the most affordable regenerative injection therapy for patients. This has made prolotherapy one of the most popular forms of regenerative injection therapy. Contact the Neurology & Pain Treatment Center at Mayfair to schedule a personal consultation.